Although at WendysOnline, we are confident that all our customers will be fully satisfied with our products, we do allow our customers fair opportunity to request a return of products supplied and fair refund of amounts paid.




  1. All customers are entitled to (on written request) a full refund of amounts already paid within 24 hours of making first deposit payments. In this case, customers will be refunded in full.


  1. In the time period after this 24 hours is up until our installation team has begun assembly on customer’s chosen Site, customers are entitled to (on written request) a refund of all amounts already paid, LESS 15% of the total Selling Price of the WendysOnline Product ordered. This is provided that said Customer allows our installation team to remove all parts of the un-assembled product from Site, should they have offloaded already. This is considered a ‘handling fee’.

(Note: Assembly-on-Site is considered as from the moment the first nail is

hammered on Site by our installation team on Site.)


  1. In the time period from when Assembly-on-Site has begun up until assembly is complete, while the installation team is still on Site, customers are entitled to (on written request) a refund of all funds already paid LESS 35% of the total Selling Price of the WendysOnline Product ordered. This is provided that said Customer allows our installation team to remove all parts of our product from Site. This is considered a ‘handling fee’.


  1. Any time after complete assembly and departure of our installation team from Site, customers will not be entitled to any form of refund as no refunds will be considered after completion of delivery of our products on Site. At this point our customers will not be able to return their purchased products and will be fully liable for full payment of all amounts outstanding from the full purchase/selling price.

(Note: Assembly-on-Site is considered as from the moment the first nail is

hammered on Site by our installation team on Site.)

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